Stop The Bleed
Stop The Bleed
Stop The Bleed
Contact us for further details or to book this course
Course Overview
Massive bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active shooter, explosive event, car crash, home or industrial events where bleeding becomes an issue and where a delayed response can result in death. Victims can quickly die from uncontrolled bleeding, within five to 10 minutes.
STOP THE BLEED® is an initiative of the American College of Surgeons and the Hartford Consensus that provides civilian bystanders the skills and basic tools to stop uncontrolled bleeding in an emergency situation and save lives. Similar to how the general public learns and performs CPR, the public should learn proper bleeding control techniques, including how to use their hands, dressings, and tourniquets.
This 2.5 - 3 hour course focuses on the practical training needed to make participants feel confident and competent when faced with caring for a victim with a deadly bleed.
The course focuses on 3 main components:
- Applying direct pressure
- Wound packing with hemostatic dressing
- Applying a combat tourniquet
- *Application of a chest seal
Intended Audience
Our certified experienced instructors offers STOP THE BLEED® training to the general public, businesses, industries, as well as people that work in public areas or venues who may be a first-person on scene until a first responder arrives (e.g. security, event staff, vendors etc).
We are also pleased to offer courses for high school students and teachers.
A course certificate is obtained upon completion of the course.